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Definition of would
past tense of will
1 —used in auxiliary function to express plan or intentionsaid we would come
2 : should knew I would enjoy the trip would be glad to know the answer
3 —used in auxiliary function to express consent or choicewould put it off if he could
4 —used in auxiliary function to express probability or presumption in past or present timewould have won if I had not tripped
5 —used in auxiliary function to express a request with which voluntary compliance is expectedwould you please help us
6 —used in auxiliary function with rather or sooner to express preferencehe would sooner die than face them
7a —used in auxiliary function in the conclusion of a conditional sentence to express a contingency or possibilityif he were coming, he would be here now
b —used in auxiliary function in a noun clause (such as one completing a statement of desire, request, or advice)we wish that he would go
8 —used in auxiliary function to express custom or habitual actionwe would meet often for lunch
9 : could the barrel would hold 20 gallons
10 —used in auxiliary function to express doubt or uncertaintythe explanation … would seem satisfactory
11a —used in auxiliary function to express wish, desire, or intentthose who would forbid gambling
b —used in auxiliary function to express willingness or preferenceas ye would that men should do to you — Luke 6:31 (King James Version)
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The first known use of would was before the 12th century
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