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          Religions of the world


          Comparing differentreligions & faith groups

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          Elsewhere in this web site, we describe the beliefs, practices, history, etc. of dozens of different religions separately.

          This section compares and contrasts the beliefs and practices of:

          bullet Pairs or groups of religions, (e.g. Christianity and Islam), and
          bulletDifferent wings within a single religion (e.g. Roman Catholicism and conservative Protestantism).

          There are many conflicting definitions of the term "Christian" in use today. Throughout this web site, we define a "Christian" to be an individual or group who sincerely, prayerfully, and thoughtfully considers themselves to be Christian. Others define "Christian" much more narrowly.

          Comparing different religions:

          bulletWhat the term "religion" means to different people

          bulletHow cults, sects and denominations differ

          Religious affiliations -- comparing the U.S. and the world as a whole


          Selecting holy texts from the world's religions for public meditation rooms, personal library, etc. 

          bulletShared beliefs:
          bulletThe Ethic of Reciprocity -- the "Golden Rules"
          bulletExceptions to these ethics

          bulletCan a person be both a Christian and a Muslim?

          bulletB'nai Israel in the Qur'an

          bulletContrasting beliefs:
          bulletAbout creation, evolution and other theories of origins

          bulletAbout deity, religious practices, religious beliefs, etc.

          bulletComparing pairs of religions:
          bulletChristianity and Islam
          bulletChristian and Muslim growth rates

          bulletComparing the Ten Commandments with verses from the Qur'an

          bulletChristianity and Buddhism
          bulletSimilar rituals:
          bulletComing of age rituals

          Comparing different faith groups within a religion:


          Differences within Christianity:

          bulletContrasting beliefs:
          bulletBetween Roman Catholicism and Conservative Protestantism

          bulletBetween the conservative, and liberal wings in Protestantism

          bulletConflicts within mainline Protestant denominations
          bulletDifferences in the meanings of words between Evangelicals and others
          bulletDifferent ways to interpret the Bible
          bulletExamples: interpreting the same passage in different ways

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          Site navigation: Home page >  here

          Copyright © 2003 to 2014 by Ontario Consultants on ReligiousTolerance
          Originally written: 2003-DEC-30
          Latest update: 2014-MAR-28
          Author: B.A. Robinson

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