be your best you.
helping members pursue wellness of mind, body and wallet since 1967.
with you on your journey, every step of the way.
How do you measure a healthy life? At Allegacy Federal Credit Union, we believe the answer is in the balance. It’s being wise in the choices you make. It’s pursuing wellness on every level. It’s working actively toward your goals, powered by the belief that you can get there. With humble roots in Winston-Salem and as one of the top performing credit unions in North Carolina, we know what a little hard work can do.
We want nothing more than for you to be your best you. So let’s get started.

New + noteworthy offers:

Small businesses are the backbone of the community. That’s why we have a Small Business Specialist at every location offering convenient services + resources. Let us help your business be its best.

Fewer fees mean more of everything else. Premium dividends, No monthly fee, Nationwide ATM refunds and
Switching made easy.
Did you know?
How do you measure a healthy life? Great food, plenty of motion, a mix of work, rest and play. Financial fitness too, of course. At Allegacy, we strive for wellness of mind, body and wallet, because we believe that a truly healthy life means having healthy finances. That belief shows in everything we do — from the values we cultivate in our team, to the resources we offer our members.

Financial fitness is part of a balanced life.
Member Perks
We have discounts for you on food, theme parks and more
Lost or Stolen Card
Worried about a missing card? Here’s what you need to know.
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We’re making our community healthier, won’t you join us?
What's your next goal?
Our Financial Advice tool can help you plot a path to your next goal in five questions or fewer.My financial priority for the next year is to ...
Spend Smarter
Manage spending and transactions your way
Buy a Car
Need wheels? We can help you work on that
Buy a Home
You may be closer to a nest than you think
Grow Your Business
Strategic tools to bring you to the next level
Save Smarter
Grow faster + smarter with the right savings
Plan for Your Future
Advice and tools to help you chart your course
Work on Your Credit
Identify what you can do to help raise your score
Manage on the Go
Mobile transfers, bill pay, alerts and more
Let's make this happen
Find out how we serve our members and why we care.Webinars + Events
Allegacy News
March 18, 2020
Allegacy and State Employees’ Credit Union Announce
Efforts to Keep Staff, Members Safe
June 21, 2019
Allegacy Named A “Best Places to Work”
January 22, 2019
Allegacy Plans Third Guilford County Location
Today's Rates
Let's be our best, together
When you become an Allegacy member, the benefits aren’t just individual. When you invest with us, we invest in arts, education, health and community service organizations throughout the Triad. It brings us joy to help our community thrive. It’s also the right thing to do.

Don’t Wait Golf Tournament
Every year, golfers gather at the Bermuda Run Country Club to enjoy 18 holes of championship golf – while raising funds and awareness to prevent breast and ovarian cancers.

Our Art Gallery
Our headquarters is also a home for the arts: it contains the W.K. “Ike” Keener, Jr. Art Gallery, which displays work from local artists and non-profit galleries across our region.

Hospice and Palliative Care Centers
Allegacy began supporting Hospice and Palliative Care Centers in our community after we lost someone very special to breast cancer.